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16 Tensis, Wh Question, dan Tag question

..Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time

This tense is used to express something that is permanent, custom or ultimate truth. Because often involves events at a time when past, present, and future, these tenses have at least a certain time information. English sentences generally must have subject (s) and a predicate (p).
Simple Present Tense is used when :
• It happened general
• Happens all the time , or the habits of the past , present and future
• It was not just happening now
• Inter general truth, that others can not deny longer be true.
The formula :
Subject + verb to be + I + Main verb
Subject + Verb I + ( s / es )

1.    (+) Barcelona wins Champion League every year
(?) Does Barcelona win Champion League every year?
(-)  Barcelona doesn’t win Champion League every year

2.    (+) Naruto goes to Uciha Clan every week
(?) Does Naruto go to Uciha Clan every week?
(-)  Naruto doesn’t go to Uciha clan every week

3.    (+) She always joins us to discuss any trending topic
(?)  Does she always join us to discuss any trending topic
(-)  He doesn’t join us to discuss any trending topic

4.    (+) You run marathon in Bangkok every year
(?) Do you run marathon in Bangkok every year?
(-) You don’t run marathon in Bangkok every year

5.    (+) Pharrel Wiliam sings “happy” every show in Jakarta
(?)  Do Pharrel Wiliam sing “happy” every show in Jakarta?
(-)  Pharrel William don’t sing “happy” every show in Jakarta
Tag Question
1.    Barcelona wins Champion League every year, doesn’t it?
2.    Naruto goes to Uciha Clan every week, doesn’t he?
3.    She always joins us to discuss any trending topic, does she?
4.    You run marathon in Bangkok every year, don’t you?
5.    Pharrel William don’t sing “happy” every show in Jakarta, does he?

WH Question

1.    *) Who wins Champion League every year? Barcelona
*) What does Barcelona win every year? Champion League

2.    *) When Naruto goes to Uciha Clan? Every week
*) Where does Naruto goes Every week? Uciha clan

3.    *) Who always joins us to discuss any trending topic? She
*) What does discuss? Any trending topic

4.    *) Who did run marathon in Bangkok every year? you
*) When did you run marathon in Bangkok? Every year

5.    *) What does Pharrel William sings every show in Jakarta? Happy
*) Where does Pharrel William sing “happy” every show? In Jakarta.

..Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time

This tense is used to express an action that is really being done today. Sentences in these tenses more frequently used than the present tenses.
The formula :
subject + to be ( is, am , are ) + verb + ing
This tense is used to describe :
• Events that are happening now , or
• The event will happen in the future

1.    (+) He is fighting in MMA Russia
(?) Is He fighting in MMA Russia?
(-)  He Isn’t fighting in MMA Russia

2.    (+) I Am typing any script letter by letter
(?) Am I typing any script letter by letter
(-)  I Am not typing any script letter by letter

3.    (+) My computer is running a program
(?) Is my computer running a program?
(-)  My computer isn’t running a program

4.    (+) We are playing futsal in Golden Stick
(?) Are we playing futsal in Golden Stick?
(-)  We aren’t playing futsal in Golden Stick

5.    (+) You are creating a mistake
(?)  Are you creating a mistake?
(-)  You aren’t creating a mistake
Tag Question
1.    He is fighting in MMA Russia, isn’t he?
2.    I Am typing any script letter by letter, Isn’t me?
3.    My computer is running a program, isn’t it?
4.    We are playing futsal in Golden Stick, aren’t we?
5.      You are creating a mistake, aren’t you?
WH Question
1.    *) Who is fighting in MMA Russia? He
 *) Where is he Fighting? In MMA Russia

2.    *) Who is typing a script letter by letter? Me
*) What is typing by me? A scrpt

3.    *) What is running a program? Computer
 *) What is computer running? A Program

4.    *) Where are we playing futsal? In Golden Stick
 *) Who is playing futsal in Golden Stick? We

5.    *) What are you creating? Mistakes
*) Which are you creating? Mistake or miracle? Mistake

3.      Present Perfect Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Present perfect tense is a verb form used to express an action or situation that has started in the past and still continues today or has been completed at a given point in time in the past, but the effect is still ongoing. 
The formula:
(+) Positif form
-Subject + has/have + been + object
-Subject + has/have + Verb III + object
 (–) Negative form
-Subject + has / have + not + been + object
-Subject +has / have + not + verb III + object
 (?) Interrogative form
-Have / has + Subject + verb III + object
-Have / has + subject + been + object 
Tense is used to :
• experience
• Change
• The ongoing situation
Or to show an event that is completed in a short time (just finished)

1.    (+) I think I have seen this movie before
(-)  I think I haven’t seen this movie before
(?)  Have I seen this movie before?

2.    (+) He has gotten reward from rector since five last year a go
(-)  He hasn’t gotten reward from rector since five last year a go
(?)  Has he gotten reward from rector since five last year a go?

3.    (+) She has visited Paris Van Java in Bandung
(-)  She hasn’t visited Paris Van Java in Bandung
(?)  Has She visited Paris Van Java in Bandung?

4.    (+) I have driven a classic car
(-)  I haven’t driven a classic car
(?)  Have I driven a classic car?

5.    (+) They have paid this build
(-)  They have not paid this build
(?)  Have they paid this build?

Tag Question
1.    I think I have seen this movie before, haven’t I?
2.    He has gotten reward from rector since five last year a go, Hasn’t He?
3.    She has visited Paris Van Java in Bandung, hasn’t she?
4.    I have driven a classic car, haven’t I?
5.    They have paid this build, haven’t I?
WH Question

1.    *) Who have seen this movie before? I
*) What have seen before? This movie

2.    *) Who have gotten reward from rector? He
*) When He has gotten reward from rector? Since five last year a go

3.    *) Where has she visited Paris Van Java? Bandung
*) Who has visited Paris Van Java in Bandung? She

4.    *) What have I driven? A classic car
*) Who have driven a classic car? I

5.    *) What have they paid? This build
*) Who have paid this build? they

4.      Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Present perfect continuous tense is a verb form used to express action that has been completed at some point in the past or the action has been initiated in the past and continues to the present. Action in the present perfect continuous tense usually lasts a certain time and no relevance to current conditions. Present perfect continuous tense is formed with the auxiliary verb have or has, been and present participle (v1 - ing). Have used for I, you, they, we, while has to he, she, it, and the third person singular.
The formula:
(+) S + have/has + been + V1-ing/present participle
(-)  S + have/has + not + been + V1-ing/present participle
(?)  have/has + S + been + V1-ing/present participle

1.    (+) The passangers have been waiting for the next flight since this morning
(-)  The passangers have not been waiting for the next flight since this morning
(?)  Have The passangers been waiting for the nest flight since this morning?

2.    (+) I have been studying in Gunadarma University since 15 July
(-)  I Have not been studying in Gunadarma University since 15 July
(?)  Have I been studying in Gunadarma University since 15 July?

3.    (+) She has been playing billiard since 12 year old
(-)  She hasn’t been playing billiard since 12 year old
(?)  Has she been playing billiard since 12 year old?

4.    (+) They have been playing games for 3 hours
(-)  They haven’t been playing games for 3 hours
(?)  Have they been playing games for 3 hours?

5.    (+) This day has been raining for 3 hours
(-)  This day has not been raining for 3 hours
(?)  Has this day been raining for 3 hours?

Tag Question
1.    The passangers have been waiting for the next flight since this morning, haven’t it?
2.    I have been studying in Gunadarma University since 15 July, haven’t I?
3.    She has been playing billiard since 12 year old, hasn’t she?

4.    They have been playing games for 3 hours, haven’t they?

5.    This day has been raining for 3 hours, hasn’t it?

WH Question

1.    *) Who have been waiting for the next flight since this morning? The passangers
*) When have been the passanger waiting for the next flight? Since this morning

2.    *) Where have been I Studying since 15 July? In Gunadarma University
*) When have been I studying in Gunadarma University?  Since 15 July

3.    *) What has she been playing since 12 year old? Billiard
*) Who has been playing billiard since 12 year old? She

4.    *) Who have been playing games for 3 hours? They
*) How long have been they playing games? For 3 hours

5.    *) When has been raining for 3 hours? This day
*) How long has been this day raining? For 3 hours

5.  Simple Past Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Simple past tense is a simple form of the verb to indicate that an event occurred in the past. In the simple past tense, time of occurrence (yesterday, last two days, last year) or time period (for two months, for a day, for an hour) can be specifically mentioned. Simple past tense can also be used to form a conditional sentence type 2.
The formula:
(+) S + Verb-2 (past tense)
      S + be (was/were)
(-)  S + did + not + bare infinitive
      S + be(was/were) + not
(?)  Did + S + bare infinitive be(was/were) + S

1. (+) Nandi Went to ILab 2 weeks a go
    (-)  Nandi didn’t go to ILab 2 weeks a go
    (?)  Did Nandi go to ILab 2 weeks a go?

2. (+) They failed to finish a task who give by their teacher yesterday
    (-)  They didn’t fail to finish a task who give by their teacher yesterday
    (?)  Did they fail to finish a task who give by their teacher yesterday?

3. (+) They drank too much Bandrek last night
    (-)  They didn’t drink Bandrek too much last night
    (?)  Did they drink too much Bandrek last night?

4. (+) The government raised the fuel price
    (-)  The government didn’t raise the fuel price
    (?)  Did the government raise the fuel price?

5. (+) I bought IPhone 6 in the mall Depok town square
    (-)  I didn’t bought IPhone 6 in the mall Depok town square
    (?) Did I bought IPhone 6 in the mall Depok town square?

Tag Question
1. Nandi Went to ILab 2 weeks ago, didn’t he?
2. They failed to finish a task who give by their teacher yesterday, didn’t they?
3. They drank too much Bandrek last night, didn’t they?
4. The government raised the fuel price, did they?
5. I bought IPhone 6 in the mall Depok town square, didn’t I?
WH Question

1. *) Who Went to ILab 2 weeks ago? Nandi
    *) Where Went Nandi 2 weeks ago? To ILab

2. *) Who did fail to finish a task who give by their teacher yesterday? They
    *) What did fail to finish yesterday? a task who give by their teacher

3. *) What did they drank too much last night? Bandrek
    *) When did they drank too much Bandrek? Last night

4. *) What did The government raised price? The fuell
    *) Who did raised the fuel price? The government

5. *) What did buy IPhone 6 in the mall Depok town square? I
    *) What did I buy in the mall Depok town square? IPhone 6

6. Past Continous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Past continuous tense or past progressive tense is a verb form used to express that an action is happening at a particular time in the past. The action has been started but not yet completed at the time.
The formula: 
(+) S + be(was/were) + V1-ing/present participle
(-)  S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present participle
(?)  be (was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?

1. (+) The color of this hotel was dark
    (-) The color of this hotel wasn’t dark
    (?) was the color of this hotel dark?

2. (+) She was loving him last year
    (-)  She wasn’t loving him last year
    (?)  Was she loving him last year?

3. (+) We were studying physics last week
    (-)  We were not studying physics last week
    (?) Were we studying physics last week?

4.  (+) I was painting tatto because it was my hobby
     (-)  I was not painting tatto when you come
     (?) Was I painting tatto when you come?

5.  (+) They were sailing for two years
     (-)  They were not sailing two years
     (?)  Were they sailing two years?

Tag Question
1. The color of this hotel was dark, wasn’t it?
2. She was loving him last year, wasn’t she?
3. We were not studying physics last week, were we?
4. I was painting tatto when you come, was not I?
5. They were salling last day, were not they?

WH Question

1. *) What was the color of this hotel? Dark
    *) What was the color dark? This hotel

2. *) Who was loving him last year? She
    *) When was she loving him? Last year

3. *) What we were studying last week? physics
    *) When we were studying physics? Last week

4. *) Why you was painting tatto?
    *) Who was painting tatto? I

5. *) How long they were sailing? Last day
    *) Who were salling last day? They

7. Past Perfect Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time

Terminology: Is a form of verbs used to claim that an action had been finished at a point in the past before other action happened. The action that has been completed dimasa tense it comes about repeatedly and only once. Besides, past perfect tense can also be used to form conditional sentence type 3 and reported speech
The formula:
(+) S+had+V3+object
(-) S+had+not+V3+object
(?) Had+S+V3+object+?

1. (+) She had cut hair because her hair too long
    (-) She had not cut hair because her hair too long
    (?) Had she cut hair because her hair too long?

2. (+) I had left my house when you arrived
    (-)  I had not left my house when you arrived
    (?)  Had I left my house when you arrived?

3. (+) You had sprayed the flower when we arrived
    (-)  You had not sprayed the flower when we arrived
    (?) Had you sprayed the flower when we arrived?

4. (+) He had there long time until you reached
    (-)  He had not been there long time until you reached
    (?)  Had he been there long time until you reached?

5. (+) They had swept the floor when you arrived
    (-) They had not swept the floor when you arrived
    (?) Had they swept the floor when you arrived?

Tag Question
1.    She had at school before you came, had not she? Yes, she had
2.    I had not left my house when you arrived, had I? No, I had not
3.    You had sprayed the flower when we arrived, had not you? Yes, you had
4.    He had there long time until you reached, had not he? Yes, he had
5.    They had swept the floor when you arrived, had not they? Yes they had
WH Question

1. *) When she had at school? Before you came
    *) Where she had before you came? At school

2. *) Who had not left my house when you arrived? I
    *) When I had left my house? When you arrived

3. *) What you had sprayed before you came? flower
    *) What had you do to the flower? Sprayed

4. *) Who had there long time until you reached? He
    *) How long He had there until you reach? Long time

5. *) what They had swept the when you arrived? The floor
    *) Who had arrived when they swept the floor? You

8. Past Perfect Continous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
In English, there are many ways to express an action or event that is already underway. Generally, we will use the past tense pattern. One pattern is the past tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense. As with past tense, this pattern also to express events that occurred in the past. But this tense is used to express an event that has already begun and is in progress in the past but now does not happen again.
The formula:
(+) Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
(-)  Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object
(?)  Had + subject + been + object?

1.       (+) Spongebob and Patrick had been living in the same town for ten years when    Squidward visited them.
(-)Spongebob and Patrick had not been living in the same town for ten years when Squidward visited them.
(?) Had been they living in the same town for ten years when Squidward visited them?

2.       (+) Messi had been playing a football when they came.
(-)  Messi had not been playing a football when they came.
(?)  Had he been playing a football when they came?

3.       (+) My mom had been cooking a vegetable when my brother came.
(-)  My mom not been cooking a vegetable when my brother came.
(?) Had he been cooking a vegetable when my brother came?

4.          (+) I had been repairing freezer when my friend came to my house.
       (-) I had not been repairing freezer when my friend came to my house.
      (?) Had I been repairing freezer when my friend came to my house?

5.         (+) Nia had been sleeping for an hour when it started raining.
                (-) Nia had not been sleeping for an hour when it started raining.
                (?) Had she been sleeping for an hour when it started raining?

Tag Question

1. Spongebob and Patrick had been living in the same town for ten years when Squidward visited them, hadn’t they?
2. Messi had been playing a football when they came, hadn’t he?
3. My mom had been cooking a vegetable when my brother came,hadn’t she?
4. I had not been repairing freezer when my friend came to my house, had I?
5. Nia had been sleeping for an hour when it started raining, hadn’t she?

WH Question

    1. *) Who had been living in the same house? Spongebob and patrick
        *) How long had Spongebob and Patrick been living in the same house? For 10 years.

   2.   *) Who had been playing a football? Messi
*) What had Messi been playing when they came? Football.

   3.   *) Who had been cooking a vegetable? My mom
*) What had My mom been cooking? A vegetable.

   4.   *) What had you been repairing? A freezer.
         *) Who had been came to your house? My friend

   5.   *) How long had Nia been sleeping when it started raining? For an hour
*) Who had been sleeping for an hour? Nia

9. Simple Future Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Simple future tense is a verb form used to express a plan, prediction , and spontaneity. So there are three functions that can be used with this tense, the first is :
1. To declare a plan that will be done in the future
2. To declare a prediction ( estimate )
3. To declare something to be done in the future spontaneously
 The formula:
(+) S + Will + Verb 1 (bare infinitive)
      S + is/am/are + Going to + Verb1 (bare infinitive)
(-)  S + Will + Not + Verb 1 (bare infinitive)
     S + is/am/are + Not + Going to + Verb1 (bare infinitive)
(?) Will + S + Verb 1 (bare infinitive)
Is/am/are + S + Going to + Verb1 (bare infinitive)

   1. (+) He would forgive you
       (-) He wouldn’t forgive you
       (?) Would he forgive you?

   2.  (+) Lia was going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend
        (-) Lia wasn’t going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend
        (?) Was Lia going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend?

    3.  (+) I would buy a new car.
         (-) I Would not buy a new car.
         (?) Would you buy a new car?

    4.  (+) She would come to his house.
         (-)  She would not come to his house
         (?)  Would she come to his house?

     5. (+) we should be there last month.
         (-)  we shouldn’t be there last month.
         (?)  Sould we be there last month?

Tag Question

1. He would forgive you, would he?
2. Lia was going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend, was she?
3. I would buy a new car,would I?
4. She would come to his house, would she?
5. We should be there last month, should we?

WH Question

     1. *) Who would forgive you? He
        *) Who would he forgive? you

    2. *) Who was going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend? Lia
        *) What was lia going to give to her friend? two beautiful scarfs

    3. *) Who would buy a new car? I    
        *) What would I buy? A new car

    4. *) Who would come to his house? she
          *) Where would she come? To his house

   5.   *) when we should be there? last month.
          *) Who should be there last month? we

10. Future Continous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Future continuous tense or future tense progressive form of the verb is used to express the action that will be taking place at a certain time in the future. The action has been started but not yet completed at the time. 
The formula:
(+) S + will be + V1-ing/present participle
(-)  S + will + not + be + V1-ing/present participle
 (?)  Will + S + be + V1-ing/present participle
This tense describes an action that will occur at a specific time in the future.

   1.  (+) We will be going to Rinjani mounth toghether
        (-)  We will not be going to Rinjani mounth toghether
        (?)  Will we be going to Rinjani mounth toghether

   2.  (+) This rock band from Indonesia will be continueing their tour to French       
        (-)  This rock band from Indonesia will  not be continueing their tour to French
        (?) Will rock band from Indonesia be continueing their tour to French?

    3.  (+) I will be loving you forever
         (-)  I will not be loving you forever
         (?)  Will I be loving you forever?

    4.  (+) they will be swimming tomorrow morning
         (-)  they will not be swimming tomorrow morning
         (?) Will they be swimming tomorrow morning?

     5. (+) He will be watching the fast and furious 7 next week at 12 pm o’clock
         (-)  He will not be watching the fast and furious 7 next week at 12 pm o’clock
         (?)  Will he be watching the fast and furious 7 next week at 12 pm o’clock?

Tag Question

1.  We will be going to Rinjani mounth toghether, will not we?
 2.  This rock band from Indonesia will not be continueing their tour to French, Will they?
 3.  I will be loving you forever, will not you?
 4.  They will be swimming tomorrow morning, will not they?
 5. He will be watching the fast and furious 7 next week at 12 pm o’clock, will not he?

WH Question

     1. *) Who Will be going to Rinjani mounth toghether? we
        *) Where We will be going  toghether? Rinjani mounth

   2. *) Who will be continueing their tour to French? Rock band from Indonesia      
       *) Where rock band from Indonesia will not be continueing their tour? To French

    3. *) Who be loving you forever? I
        *) When I will be loving you? forever

    4. *) What will be they doing tomorrow morning? Swimming
        *) When will be they swimming? Tomorrow morning

   5. *) What will he be watching next week at 12 pm o’clock?  the fast and furious 7
        *) When Will he be watching the fast and furious 7?  next week at 12 pm o’clock

11. Future Perfect Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Future perfect tense is a verb form used to express that an activity will have finished at this point in time in the future.
The formula:
(+) S + will + have + V-3/past participle
(-)  S + will + not + have + V-3/past participle
(?)  will + S + have + V-3/past participle

   1.  (+) I will have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning
        (-)  I will not have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning
        (?)  Will you have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning?

  2.   (+) She shall have gone to bed by the time my parents come home
        (-) She shall not have gone to bed by the time my parents come home
        (?) Shall she have gone to bed by the time my paremts come home?

 3.   (+) I will have finished written by next day
       (-)  I will not have finished written by next day
       (?)  Will i have finished written by next day?

 4.   (+) He will have banished rubbish
       (-) He will not have banished rubbish
       (?) Will he have banished rubbish?

 5.   (+) She will have finished reading the novel by the end of this month
       (-) She will not have finished reading the novel by the end of this month
       (?) Will she have finishedreading the novel by the end of this month?

Tag Question
 I will have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning, Will not I?
I shall have gone to bed by the time my parents come home, shall I?
You will not have finished written by next month, will you?
4. He will have banished rubbish, will not he?

She will not have finished reading the novel by the end of this month, will she?

WH Question

     1. *) How long will I have been in this hospital? until tomorrow morning
         *) Who will have been in this hospital until tomorrow morning? I

    2. *) Who shall have gone to bed by the time my parents come home? I
        *) Where Shall I have gone  by the time my parents come home? To bed

    3. *) Who will have finished written by next month? I
        *) Where Will I have finished? By next month
    4. *) Who will have banished rubbish? He
        *) What Will I have banished? Rubbish

    5. *) Who will not have finished reading the novel by the end of this month? She
        *) What will she not have finished reading by the end of this month? The novel

12.  Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Future perfect continuous tense is a verb form used to express that an action would have been going on for so long at a particular time point in the future. 
The formula:
(+) S + will + have been + V1-ing/present participle
(-)  S + will + not + have been + V1-ing/present participle
(?)  will + S + have been + V1-ing/present participle

   1.  (+) My grandmother will have been visiting us tomorrow morning
        (-)  My grandmother will not have been visiting us tomorrow morning
        (?) Will your grandmother have been visiting you tomorrow morning?

   2.  (+) Yuri will have been stealing the diamond tomorrow night
        (-)  Yuri will not have been stealing the diamond tomorrow night
        (?)  Will Yuri have been stealing the diamond tomorrow night?

   3.  (+) He will have been delivering a package before Sunday
        (-) He will not have been delivering a package before Sunday
        (?) Will he have been delivering a package before Sunday?

   4.  (+) I shall have been visiting Rendi’s house for two hours
        (-) I shall not have been visiting Rendis’s house for two hours
        (?) Shall I have been visiting Rendi’s huse for two hours?

   5.  (+) I shall have been playing Futsal for an hour
        (-) I shall not have been playing Futsal for an hour
        (?) Shall I have been playing Futsal for an hour?
Tag Question
My grandmother will have been visiting us tomorrow morning, Will she?
Yuri will have been stealing the diamond tomorrow night, shall She?
 He will have been delivering a package before Sunday, will he?
4. I shall not have been visiting Rendi’s house for two hours, shall I?
5. I shall have been playing Futsal for three hours, shall not I?

WH Question

     1. *) When My grandmother will have been visiting us? Tomorrow morning
         *) Who will have been visiting us tmomorrow morning? My grandmother
    2. *) Who will have been stealing the diamond tomorrow night? Yuri
        *) What will Yuri have been stealing tomorrow night? the diamond

    3. *) What will he have been delivering before Sunday? A package
        *) When will he have been delivering a package? Before Sunday
    4. *) Where will you have been visiting for two hours? Randi’s house
        *) How long will you have been visiting Randi’s house? For two hours

    5. *) What will you have been playing for an hour? Playing futsal
        *) How long will you have been playing futsal? For an hour

13.  Past Future Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Past or future tense "future in the past" is a form of the verb to discuss the future from the perspective of the past. More specificall, this form is used to express an action to be performed, either voluntarily or planned, making predictions, and make an appointment in the future at the moment is in the past. Past future tense is often used in reported speech.
The formula:
(+) S + would + bare infinitive
      S + was/were + going to + bare infinitive
(-)  S + not + would + bare infinitive
      S + was/were + not + going to + bare infinite
(?)  Would + S + bare infinitive?
      Was/were + S + going to + bare infinitive?

   1.  (+) You would visit in my home the week before
        (-)You would visit in my home the week before
        (?) Would you visit in my home the week before?

   2. (+) I should send a letter the day before, if you did not come
       (-) I should not send a letter the day before, if you did not come
       (?) Should I send a letter the day before, if you did not come?     

   3. (+) We should give something if you come to class because you got the highest score in the class
       (-) We should not give something if you come to class
       (?) Should we give something if you come to class?

   4. (+) She would follow the travelling the year before
       (-) She would not follow the travelling the year before
       (?) Would she follow the travelling the year before?

    5. (+) I should go to Jakarta if you come to my house
        (-) I should not go to Jakarta if you come to my house
        (?) Should I go to Jakarta if you come to my house?

Tag Question
You would visit in my home the week before, wouldn’t you?
2. I should not send a letter the day before, if you did not come, should I?
3. We should give something if you come to class, should not we?
4. She would follow the travelling the year before, wouldn’t she?
5. I should not go to Jakarta if you come to my house, should I?

WH Question

     1. *) What you would visit the week before? My home
        *) Who would visit in my home the week before? You

    2. *) Who should send a letter the day before, if you did not come? I
        *) What Should I send the day before, if you didn’t come? A letter

    3. *) When she would follow the travelling? the year before
        *) Who would follow the travelling the year before? she
    4. *) Who would follow the travelling the year before? She
        *) What would she follow the year before? The travelling

    5. *) Where I should go if you come to my house? Jakarta
        *) Who should not go to Jakarta if you come to my house? I

13.  Past Perfect Continous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
a. Used to express an action which would be going on at a time in the past. (used in reported speech)
b. (S+should/would+be+Ving)
c. Adverb of time : last ..., at this time the following day, at ... yesterday, on ... last ..., in ... last ... etc.

   1. (+) Yudi would be watching TV yesterday.
       (-)  Yudi would not be watching TV yesterday.
       (?) Would Yudi be watching TV yesterday.

  2. (+) Deni would be cleaning his car after lunch.
      (-) Deni would not be cleaning his car after lunch.
      (?) Would he be cleaning his car after lunch?

  3. (+) I should be watering the flowers when my girlfriends visited me.
      (-) I should not be watering the flowers when my girlfriends visited me.
      (?) Should I be watering the flowers when my girlfriends visited me?

  4. (+) She would be playing a doll when you told her to feed the cat.
      (-) She would not be playing a doll when you told her to feed the cat.
      (?) Would she be playing a doll when you told her to feed the cat?

  5. (+) We should be playing badminton before going to bed.
      (-) We should not be playing badminton before going to bed.
      (?) Should we be playing badminton before going to bed?

Tag Question
You would visit in my home the week before, wouldn’t you?
2. I should not send a letter the day before, if you did not come, should I?
3. We should give something if you come to class, should not we?
4. She would follow the travelling the year before, wouldn’t she?
5. I should not go to Jakarta if you come to my house, should I?

WH Question

     1. *) Who would be watching TV yesterday? Yudi
         *) What would Yudi be doing yesterday? Watching TV

    2. *) What would Deni be cleaning after lunch? Cleaning his car
        *) When would Deni be cleaning his car? After lunch

    3. *) What should you be watering when you girlfriends visited you? Watering the flowers
        *) When should you be watering the flowers? When my girlfriends visited me

    4. *) What should she be playing when you tol her to feed the cat? Playing a doll
        *) Who should she be feeding for? Feed the cat
     5. *) What should they be playing before going to bed? Playing badminton
        *) Where should they be going after playing badminton? Going to bed

14.  Past Future Continous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Futures Past continuous tense is a form of the verb to express what will being done in the future when it was in the past. Thus the formula for the past continuous tense sentence futures positive, negative, and interrogative is as follows:
(+) S + would/should be + V1-ing/present participle
(-)  S + would/should + not + be + V1-ing/present participle
(?) Would/should + S + be + V1-ing/present participle

   1. (+) My friend invite me, he would be watching Persib in jalak harupat
       (-)  My friend invite me, he wouldn’t be watching Persib in jalak harupat
       (?) Would he be watching Persib in jalak harupat?

  2. (+) Nandi would be running when cfd yesterday
      (-)  Nandi wouldn’t be running when cfd yesterday       
      (?) Would Nandi be running when cfd yesterday?

  3. (+) Purwakarta would be increasing  tourism sector  
      (-) Purwakrta wouldn’t be increasing tourism sector
      (?) Would purwakarta be increasing tourism sector?

  4. (+) I would be buying a book at gramedia last sunday
      (-)  I wouldn’t be buying a book at gramedia last sunday       
      (?) Would I be buying a book at gramedia last Sunday?

  5. (+) He would be catching a bird last week
      (-)  He wouldn’t be catching a bird last week
      (?) Would he be catching a bird last week

Tag Question
 My friend invite me, he would be watching Persib in jalak harupat , wouldn’t he?
2.  Nandi would be running when cfd yesterday, Wouldn’t he?
3.  Purwakarta would be increasing  tourism sector, wouldn’t it?
4.  I would be buying a book at gramedia last sunday, wouldn’t I?
5.  He would be catching a bird last week, wouldn’t he?

WH Question

     1. *) Who would be watching Persib in jalak harupat? he
         *) Where would he be watching persib? In jalak harupat

    2. *) Who would be running when cfd yesterday? Nandi
        *) Where would nandi be running yesterday? When cfd

    3. *) What should you be watering when you girlfriends visited you? Watering the flowers
        *) When should you be watering the flowers? When my girlfriends visited me

    4. *) Who would be buying a book at gramedia last Sunday? I       
        *) Where would I be buying a book last Sunday? At gramedia

     5. *) Who would be catching a bird last week? he
        *) What would he be catching last week? A bird

15.  Past Future Perfect Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
Past future perfect tense is a form of the verb to discuss activities that would have been done in the past. This form is used in the main clause of the conditional
The formula:
(+) S + would/should + have + V-3/past participle
(-)   S + would/should + not + have + V-3/past participle
(?)  Would/should + S + have + V-3/past participle

   1. (+) Rein would have seen Sella if you had come to the garden park yesterday.
       (-) You would not have seen me if you had not come to garden park yesterday.
       (?) Would you have seen me if you had come to the garden park yesterday?

   2.  (+) If Keane had come here yesterday, he would have read the notice at the door.
        (-) If Keane had not come here yesterday, he would have read the notice at the door.
        (?) If Keane had come here yesterday, would he have read the notice at the door?

  3.  (+) If John had had a lot of money, he would have eaten in restaurant.
       (-) If John had not had a lot of money, he would have eaten in restaurant.
       (?) If John had had a lot of money, would he have eaten in restaurant?

   4. (+) Messi would have started the game if Neymar had come.
       (-) Messi would not have started the game if Neymar not come.
       (?) Would Messi have started the game if Neymar come?

  5.  (+) Rey would have arrived at home if he had gone by car.
       (-) Rey would not have arrived at home if he had not gone by car.
       (?) Would he have arrived at home if he had gone by car?

Tag Question
 My friend invite me, he would be watching Persib in jalak harupat , wouldn’t he?
2.  Nandi would be running when cfd yesterday, Wouldn’t he?
3.  Purwakarta would be increasing  tourism sector, wouldn’t it?
4.  I would be buying a book at gramedia last sunday, wouldn’t I?
5.  He would be catching a bird last week, wouldn’t he?

WH Question

     1. *) Who would have seen Sella ? Rein
         *) Where would Rein have seen Sella? At the garden park.

     2. *) Who would have read the notice if had come yesterday? Keane.
         *) Where would Keane have read the notice? At the door.

     3. *) Where would John have eaten if he had had a lot of money? At restaurant.
         *) Who would have eaten in restaurant if he had had a lot of money? John.

     4. *) Who would have started the game if Muren had come? Messi
         *) What would have started if Neymar had come? The games.

     5. *) Who would have arrived at home if he had gone by car? Rey
        *) Where would Rey arrived if he had gone by car? At home.

15.  Past Future Perfect Contonous Tense
Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time
a.      Is mainly used in reported speech.
b.     (S + should/would + have been+Ving)
c.      Adverb of time   : last ..., by ... last ..., by the ... of this ..., for ... etc.

1.     (+) Rino would have been watching film at nine yesterday.
(-) Rino would not have been watching film at nine yesterday.
(?) Would he have been watching film at nine yesterday?

2.     (+) Nova would have been reading a novel for one hour last night.
(-) Nova would not have been reading a novel for one hour last night.
(?) Would Nova have been reading a novel for one hour last night?

3.     (+) I should have been washing my clothes because so dirty
(-) I should not have been washing my clothes.
(?) Should I have been washing my clothes?

4.     (+) Jennifer would have been coming home before noon.
(-) Jennifer would not have been coming home before noon.
(?) Would she have been coming home before noon?

5.     (+) Raffy would have been drinking coffee at nine this morning.
(-) Raffy would not have been drinking coffee at nine this morning.
(?) Would Raffy have been drinking coffee at nine this morning?

Tag Question
Rino would not have been watching film at nine yesterday, would Rino?
2. Nova would not have been reading a novel for one hour last night, would Nova?
3. I should not have been washing my clothes, should I ?
4. Jennifer would have been coming home before noon, wouldn’t she?
5. Raffy would have been drinking coffee at nine this morning, wouldn’t he?

WH Question

1.      *) When would Rino have been watching film? At nine yesterday.
*) Who would have been watching film at nine yesterday? Rino
2.   *) What would Nova have reading for one hour last night? A novel.
*) How long would Nova have reading a novel? For one hour.
3.   *) What should you have been washing? The clothes.
*) Why should the clothes be washing? Because the clothes so dirty.
4.   *) Who would have been coming home before noon? Jennifer.
*) When would Jennifer have been coming home? Before noon.
5.   *) What would Raffy have been drinking at nine this morning? A coffee.
*) When would Raffy have been this morning? At nine this morning.


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