1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE A ..Therminology, Formula, and Adverb of Time This tense is used to express something that is permanent, custom or ultimate truth. Because often involves events at a time when past, present, and future, these tenses have at least a certain time information. English sentences generally must have subject (s) and a predicate (p). Simple Present Tense is used when : • It happened general • Happens all the time , or the habits of the past , present and future • It was not just happening now • Inter general truth, that others can not deny longer be true. The formula : Subject + verb to be + I + Main verb Subject + Verb I + ( s / es ) B Examples 1. (+) Barcelona wins Champion League every year (?) Does Barcelona win Champion League every year? (-) Barcelona doesn’t win Champion League every year 2. (+) Naruto goes to Uciha Clan every week (?) Does Narut
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